Saturday, March 1, 2014

Happy Mărțișor Day and some owlzzzzzzzzzzzz

I'm sure most of you (or at least those that are not Romanian) wonder what Mărțișor is. Well, let me explain.We Romanian celebrate Mărțișor on the 1st day of March, which is considered the first day of spring, since the times of the Dacians (our ancestors), that is over 20 centuries ago.
Mărțișor is also the name for the red and white string from which a small decoration is tied, and which is offered by people on the 1st day of March. Giving this talisman to people is an old custom, and it is believed that the one who wears the red and white string will be strong and healthy for the year to come. It is also a symbol of the coming spring. Nowadays women wear it pinned to their clothes, close to the heart, until the last day of March, when they tie it to the branches of a fruit-tree.
In modern times, and especially in urban areas, the Mărțișor lost most of its talisman properties and became more of a symbol of friendship or love, appreciation and respect.
In Daco-Romanian folklore, seasons are attributed symbolic colors: spring is red, summer is green or yellow, autumn is black, and winter is white. This is why one can also say that the Mărțișor thread, knitted in white and red, is a symbol of passing, from the cold white winter, to the lively spring, associated with fire and life.

This is how the string looks like.

And now, after this short lesson of Romanian traditions and history, I want to show you what I came up with for this special day. Recently in my epic search of nice crocheted owls I came across  Annie Design page and I thought her owls are super-cute so I tried to make one similar.

Soooo, here's one...

... and a whole lot more ...

... and this is how I attached a brooch pin.
Aren't they cute?

Unfortunately I forgot to attach the red and white string before taking the pics. Next year I promise I'll be more careful.

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